Fraternal Composite Service: An Unfortunate Experience

Our company has had a professional relationship with Fraternal Composite Service and its proprietor, Bill White, since 2019. During this period, we have successfully processed over 400,000 images on their behalf. However, it is with regret that we must report that despite repeated requests and reminders, Mr. White has yet to remit payment for services rendered and images processed from Dec 2021 to June 2022. Additionally, all attempts to contact Mr. White through email and phone have been met with silence.

Furthermore, we continued to receive image processing work from Fraternal Composite Service in the months following the missed payment deadline, despite numerous delays in payment. Mr. White attributed these delays to various reasons such as the departure of an accountant, unavailability of payment staff due to Covid, and holidays. Due to our established professional relationship with Fraternal Composite Service, we continued to process images despite these payment delays. However, at present, payment for 65,000 images remains outstanding. 

Over nearly four years, beginning in September of 2019 and concluding on June 2022, our team of fifteen professionals meticulously retouched more than 400,000 images on behalf of Fraternal Composite Service. Each day, we devoted countless hours to the task, producing thousands of exceptional photographs that were subsequently transmitted to Fraternal Composite Service. We take pride in the effort we expended on this project, which was a year-round undertaking that demanded our utmost attention and dedication. Here are a few examples of the educational institutions and organizations for which we provided this service.

Below are a few of the Universities, Colleges, and Chapters for which we had done Composite service work and retouched images for thousands of students.

1. Carolinas College of Health Science
2. Florida - Southern College
3. Washington College
4. North Carolina U - Chapel Hill
5. Westminster College - Missouri
6. Maryland U - College Park
7. Syracuse University

We feel it is our responsibility to inform our readers of our experience with Fraternal Composite Service, as we believe that companies should uphold the highest ethical and moral standards in all their dealings with clients and vendors. It is our opinion that Fraternal Composite Service has failed to meet these standards in its dealings with our company.

We urge caution to anyone considering doing business with Fraternal Composite Service and advise them to do their due diligence before engaging in any contractual relationship with this company.


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