Fraternal Composite Service Exposed for Fraudulent Tactics!

Extremely Disappointed with Fraternal Composite Service: Unprofessional Behavior and Non-Payment

We are writing this review to express our deep disappointment and frustration with Fraternal Composite Service based on our personal experience. We had a business relationship with them for four years, during which we provided image editing services. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse when it came to receiving payment for our services. We have an outstanding of over USD 131,200.

Despite delivering high-quality work consistently, We encountered immense difficulty in getting paid for the services rendered. As the amount owed to us grew, We attempted to reach out to Fraternal Composite Service via emails and phone calls, but to no avail. They completely ghosted us, refusing to respond to any communication regarding the outstanding payment.

This lack of professionalism and outright non-payment is unacceptable, especially after investing significant time and effort into supporting their business for 4 years. As a small business, it is vital for us to receive timely compensation to sustain our livelihood and continue delivering top-notch services. Unfortunately, Fraternal Composite Service's disregard for their financial obligations has severely impacted our trust and respect for their organization.

We strongly advise others to exercise caution when engaging in any business transactions with Fraternal Composite Service. Their failure to honor payment commitments demonstrates a lack of integrity and respect for their business partners. It is disheartening to witness a company that initially appeared reputable and reliable devolve into an untrustworthy entity that neglects its obligations.

While We understand that businesses face challenges, the abrupt termination of communication and refusal to address payment concerns is simply unprofessional. We sincerely hope that this review serves as a cautionary tale for others considering entering into any agreements with Fraternal Composite Service.

As a professional in the industry, We value transparency and honesty. It is our belief that businesses should uphold these principles in all their dealings. Regrettably, our experience with New York-based Fraternal Composite Service has been far from satisfactory, and I strongly advise potential partners to proceed with caution.

We are attaching all proofs of work done and our follow-up emails to them. 

Below are some of the Universities, Colleges, and Chapters for which we provided Composite service work and retouched thousands of student images on behalf of Fraternal Composite Service, without receiving payment for over 65,000 images.

Carolinas College of Health Science
Florida - Southern College
Washington College
North Carolina U - Chapel Hill
Westminster College - Missouri
Maryland U - College Park
Syracuse University

Fraternal composite service

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For more information and to know about Fraternal Composite Service's Modus Operandi you can contact me at


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