Honest Review of Fraternal Composite Service New York based Company

An Unfortunate Experience with Fraternal Composite Service's Payment Practices

It is with deep disappointment that we share our experience with Fraternal Composite Service, a company with whom we have had a professional partnership since 2019. Despite processing a significant number of images on their behalf, we must bring attention to the fact that Fraternal Composite Service has failed to fulfill its payment obligations for services rendered and images processed between December 2021 and June 2022. The outstanding balance owed to our organization amounts to a staggering $131,200, and all attempts to communicate with Mr. Bill White, the proprietor of Fraternal Composite Service, have gone unanswered.

We continued to process images for Fraternal Composite Service despite repeated payment delays, driven by our professional relationship. However, we have not received payment for over 60,000 images processed on behalf of various universities and colleges, including Carolinas College of Health Science, Florida-Southern College, Washington College, North Carolina U-Chapel Hill, Westminster College-Missouri, Maryland U-College Park, and Syracuse University.

As a responsible organization, we believe that it is our duty to inform our readers of our experience with Fraternal Composite Service. We expect companies to adhere to the highest ethical and moral standards in their dealings with clients and vendors. It is unfortunate that Fraternal Composite Service has failed to meet these standards in their dealings with our organization.

We strongly advise caution to anyone considering doing business with Fraternal Composite Service and recommend performing due diligence before entering into any contractual relationship with this company. 


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