Warning Regarding Fraternal Composite Service's Failure to Fulfill Payment Obligations!

Deceptive Practices by Fraternal Composite Service in Utica, New York

Our experience with Fraternal Composite Service has been extremely disappointing. Despite providing image editing services from December 2021 to June 2022, our company is still owed a significant amount of $131,200. We have made consistent efforts to obtain payment, but unfortunately, the company has shown a lack of responsiveness and communication.

During our partnership with Fraternal Composite Service from 2019 to June 2022, we diligently processed over 400,000 images for them. However, they have failed to uphold their end of the agreement by compensating us for our work.

When we requested payment, the company provided various excuses, including staff members being affected by COVID-19, being on vacation, undergoing audits, and auditors reviewing our billing. These explanations persisted even after we stopped providing them with processed files in June 2022. Mr. White, in an attempt to delay payment while continuously sending us around 1,000 files for processing each day, assured us that our records were under review and promised a prompt response. Initially, given our longstanding business relationship spanning four years, we trusted his intentions and continued processing their images.

However, in June 2022, we decided to halt processing their images until the outstanding balance was cleared. At this point, Fraternal Composite Service presented yet another excuse. Mr. White, seemingly unwilling to compensate us, fabricated a story claiming that his office had been closed for five months due to the impact of COVID-19. He argued that we had billed him for work performed during this period when, according to him, his office was completely shut down. We have evidence that contradicts Mr. White's claims, as we received work from his staff members who were operating remotely during the pandemic. We presented this evidence to Mr. White, but he remained stubborn. Furthermore, he shifted his stance by disputing the quality of our work. We firmly believe that our evidence sufficiently debunks Mr. White's excuses and supports our assertion that we fulfilled our obligations.

Despite our undeniable evidence, Mr. Bill White persistently came up with new excuses to evade payment. In his most recent response to our Google review regarding Non-Payment claims, he stated that he processed those images through another company. However, we possess email correspondence from Mr. White himself explicitly requesting that we continue sending images to his company, despite our decision to halt processing due to his consistent failure to pay and the substantial outstanding balance. We had previously emphasized to Mr. White the importance of timely payment for us to continue providing services to his organization. We were deeply disappointed by the unprofessional conduct and lack of business ethics displayed by Fraternal Composite Service. It is disheartening to see that while their website showcases positive reviews from photographers, they completely disregard their vendors, failing to respond to calls and emails.

Based on our direct experience, we cannot endorse this company to others, and we strongly advise exercising caution before entering into any partnership with Fraternal Composite Service.

Please refer to the attached partial screenshots of work completed during the Covid-19 period. Despite this evidence, Mr. White continues to dispute our billing for work performed during that time and claims his office was closed for five months. We present this evidence to allow you to form your own conclusion regarding Fraternal Composite Service's deceptive behavior. They have consistently provided a variety of excuses to evade their payment obligations to us.



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