A Critical Review of Fraternal Composite Service

We had a Very Bad experience with Fraternal Composite Service. Our company has been owed a significant sum of $131,200 for image editing services rendered from December 2021 to June 2022. Despite our repeated attempts to follow up on payments, we were met with a lack of response and communication from the company.

During our partnership from 2019 to June 2022, we diligently processed over 400,000 images for Fraternal Composite Service. However, we were disappointed to find that they did not fulfill their end of the agreement by compensating us for the work done.

The company provided various excuses such as staff members contracting COVID-19, being on holiday, and undergoing audits, auditor checking our billing, etc when requested for payment. This continued until we ceased providing them with processed files in June 2022. In order to waste more time while continuing to send 1000 files to process every day, Mr White mailed us saying our records are being checked and he will revert soon but we should continue to process their images. Since we had a 4-year business relationship we did not doubt his intentions and continued to process around 1000 images every day. In June 2022 when we stopped processing their images unless they clear the older outstanding Fraternal Composite Service came up with another excuse. Mr. White didn't want to pay us, so he made up a story that his office was closed for 5 months because of Covid and we billed him for work done during Covid where he insists his office was completely shut. But we actually did the work and we have proof of it. We received work from his staff who were working from home during the pandemic. We've shown Mr. White the evidence, but he still won't listen to us. We've included the evidence with this message to show that Mr. White's excuse is not true. When we showed them proof of work done then Mr. Bill White came up with another excuse, this time disputing the quality of work. We believe our evidence will prove that Mr. White is wrong and that we did the work and he comes up with new excuses to avoid making the payments. Despite being presented with clear evidence to the contrary, Mr. Bill White has repeatedly offered new excuses for his failure to pay. The most recent explanation in his reply to our Google review for Non-Payment says he processed those images from another company. We possess email correspondence from Mr. White in which he requests that we continue sending images to his company, despite our decision to halt processing due to his persistent non-payment and a significant outstanding balance. We had previously informed Mr. White that timely payment was essential for us to continue providing services to his organization. We were deeply disappointed by the unprofessionalism and lack of business ethics displayed by Fraternal Composite Service. It is disheartening to note that positive reviews on their website are limited to photographers while their vendors are ghosted and left without any response to calls and emails.

Given our experience, we cannot recommend this company to others and advise exercising caution before partnering with Fraternal Composite Service. Below are only part screenshots of work done during Covid 19, Mr. White Still Disputes that we billed him for work done during Covid and claims that his office was closed for 5 months. I have presented the evidence and allow you to come to your own conclusion regarding how Fraternal Composite Service engaged in deceptive behavior, offering a variety of excuses in order to avoid fulfilling their payment obligations to us.


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